Sunday, August 19, 2007
Final thoughts
and to Barrow: You were cold and gloomy when we first met. You covered your face from head to toe with snow. With time you opened up and drew me into your unique value. Here you have nothing to hide behind, everything is real, and everything exposed for what it is. You showed people for who they are rather than what they have. The life you lead is simple and relaxed, you are as far away from the world as one could be. The multitudes come to see you and yet you remain modest. Until next time...
Monday, August 13, 2007
Saturday, August 4, 2007
in living color

Life has been pretty repetitious, I've missed out on quite a few things now since I was either covering someones field work or just not asked to come along but its all good I suppose cuz there are many adventures to come. Recently I've been able to get our and explore.

30 cages, each maybe 4 X 8 meters, stacked together like legos. At first glance you could see sleds stacked side by side on top and upon closer inspection bones scattered across the top and a large skull with antlers sticking out of this plastic tub. There were also random chains and hooks just like you would imagine an X-files episode of abandoned government test facility gone wrong. The antlers intrigued me, so up to the top I went only to find a rottingLast Sunday is where I should begin, its been a while since I've blogged. It was late in the evening and Andy had plans to take pictures around NARL. So Mai, Daniel, and I met up with him at the cages (cages of death if you prefer) where we found ourselves trapped in an X-files episode (the X-files more often than needed). The cages (of death) were old, rusty, and had been there it seems for quite some time filled with rotting carcases and blood. There were probably aboutthanks to Mai I now reference things to skull in a pool of blood.

Moving forward to Thursday.
This would be a peaceful, and thoughtful day at the beach.

The sun hasn't set since I arrived here in May, and it was said that this would be the day for a quick dip. I headed out to the beach at 1 AM and of course a bit too early. I passed the time by skipping stones into the sea, the waves of which had now awoken from their frozen slumber. They did not crash into the shore but rather moved up and down gracefully like a winding

Moving forward once again to Friday.
Dave, Amorita and Adrian would be flying to Ivatuk today and so several of us would be able to accompany them on their voyage. I crawled out of bed at 7:30 surprised to find their is life

Sunday, July 29, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
Write this here

Its been a while since me and my blog got together, so lets see whats been going on around these parts.

I've really been enjoying myself thus far, and have gotten used to the work here. Cause you know work is work wherever you go, you get your job done and nuff said, your off to enjoy the day ahead. Like the other day, It was the 4th of July i think, me, Mai, Jason, the IT guys and some other people headed out to the point (i.e. Americas mohawk) to finish off the day. We checkout several ATVs from the warehouse and headed off to the point. Like Amelie I enjoy various parts of life, like riding an ATV with the wind and dust crystallizing my hair along the way. From the shore you could see the sea ice out in the distance holding the waves back just enough for us to enjoy the moment of a silent sea. I laid down on the gravel right before the water and admired the sky, while listening to everyone else walk along the coast enjoying themselves just the same in their own way. I sat up and flicked pebbles into the water, enjoying each little splash of sound, fine tuning my technique along the way. Soon the water was my drum and the pebbles my stick and I was having a good day. There was much to be admired along the shore such as the small chunks of ice trying to rest upon the smooth pebbles, but they are too slow and sit steadily in the sea hoping for an opportunity to come by before they melt away. There was one in particular that was standing in tis tippy toe just long enough to be seen by another soul, then within minutes it sank down never to stand again.

Life here in the lab has been very amusing, there is always something going on in here such as Adrian lugging a rock several hundred miles to use as a plant presser, or the most famous phrase to be used here is "yo face". Yes this is obviously a very "mature" group of people, that somehow manage to keep each other in...the...sane.
My daily schedule has been to take soil moisture and thaw depth measurements every meter along the tram line, along with water table every 30m and water level every other day. Time is going by fast here, I wish it would slow down a little. The grass here has already began to reach to the sky. The insects now abound in annoying numbers, thats right I'm speaking to all you mosquitoes reading this blog, you better watch your back. Eggs are hatching and birds are flying, life is in the air most of all, ensuring we move forward.

Random things that have happened or need to be said:
Pluto is still a planet to me damn it!
yes there was shrinkage...
we have a moon?
The smirk of Dave still alludes me...
Sandra and Amorita will soon have a knife fight...stay tuned...maybe Adrian too
Storing food in the fridge is futile...but courageous is the one who tries...
Small trilobite-like creatures dominate the shore...
please tell me what these creatures actually are...
I miss my family...
cranes perch above my head...
there was a parade...
yes i will blog it later...

Saturday, June 30, 2007
A Request

A Request
Lewis Brower had told me a couple weeks back that I had a request that would be placed above all others if possible. So I told him the next day I would like to go fishing when the time came, weeks went by until one day he came in the office and told me today is the day one time chance take it or leave it. A chance to hunt bearded seals in the arctic was not one to be passed so I accepted along with Dave (who went only because of his evilness). We packed and left to Lewis’ house, when we got there Paulo and Rob were just leaving after trying a special kind of food that we would soon have. We came in through the garage to see a pair of massive walrus tusks laying on the floor, however, these did not compare to the polar bear fur that covered the wall from top to bottom. This seemed like the house of an average person considering this was what the majority of the town does…hunt. We made are move to the kitchen where Lewis was an everyday lunch with his wife, consisting of soup, crackers, and seal intestine. Of course I had to try it, it’s not every day you eat seal intestine, so at this point Lewis was instructing us on the location of the nearest trash can and restroom. I wasn’t too worried because usually it’s pretty easy for me to try new foods, so I took the cracker and it was pretty good.
We were now fed, packed and ready to hit the high seas.
The Crew: Me, Dave, Lewis, and Edmond (who was a good friend of Lewis)
It was a short drive to the dock, when we arrived there were already at least a dozen people out on the hunt already. Once there we loaded the boat into the water and set sail. At this point I have no clue what to expect while we’re gliding over the water. Lewis just told us that we are to go to the front of the boat to shoot and to shoot only in that direction, so I was like cool. When hunting seals you have to be prepared at anytime, because Lewis immediately flips the boat around towards the seal that he saw, there is always little or no warning. So after cruising along we spotted a seal, Lewis guns it and we rush to the front of the boat hoping to catch it, of course we fail and the seal gets away. We give up and head out to sea some more hoping to spot another. Along the way we pass large chunks of ice drifting in the water ranging from all shapes and sizes, and some pretty cool shapes too. The farther out we got the more ice and the more ice the more hiding places. After we get a good distance out to sea we shut off the boat and have a nice little break full of muktuk and target practice. There we were sitting peaceful in an ocean calmed by the ice. Out there the ice absorbed most of the waves so you would have slow moving water. We soon moved on for the next seal weaving in and out of the ice spotting one occasionally but losing it in the end. It was very tense and cold at the front of the boat with no window to shield your face from the freezing air, or keep your hands from becoming cold and numb. You had to be ready for at any time the seal could pop its head out of the water for some air.
There was one really close call though…
I was up at the front scouting the open water with the scope…when I spotted a bearded seal sun bathing on a slab of ice. I motioned to Lewis, and Edmond hoped up to the front to offer some assistance. I handed him the scope and took another rifle, as we creped in on the seal with his back to us. Edmond was to take the first shot and I would follow with a second. BANG, the seal flinched from the first shot, and I locked on for the second but it was too late for he had sunk into the water. Around and around we went hoping to find it but no luck. As the day drew to a close we pointed to boat to shore and jetted back home. I wasn’t disappointed at all because I still was able to have the experience of hunting over the water.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
science and sleep

yesterdays schedule: go out to the field
todays schedule: go out to the field
tomorrows schedule: go out to the field
Day I don't go out to the field: priceless
We went to a local festival recently called a blanket toss festival, where they (obviously) toss people up on blankets. Now the anticipation for this had been building up for quite a while, and for some reason in my head i was picturing a really really cool festival. come to the day of, well is wasn't exactly what we expected. A bunch of people sitting around and little kids playing blanket toss. This festival goes on from 12 to 12 and has various activities throughout the day, so depending when you get there...yata yata yata great time. but ya it was cool because this is their culture, and you gotta appreciate that. (I'll write more on this later)
Various thoughts....
Early bird catches the worm, second mouse gets the cheese.
thoughts of summer covered in snow
i'll be back
Monday, June 11, 2007
melting snow
As the snow turns to water lemmings emerge from the ground, and begin scavenging the tundra. Lemmings are rodent like creatures that roam the tundra creating branches in the soil, pits of droppings, and a sense of vitality in the tundra.

Sunday, June 3, 2007
good enough for the bush

Good day again today, especially when your in a place like this good days are a frequent visit.
Slept in today, had to wake up in a rush to head out for the days work ahead. It just so relaxing when you've been out for so long and crash (in contrast to drunken crashing)into bed.
Barrow is a quiet town with little rustling every here and there. A small drive along the coast line gives you an amazing view of a frozen ocean full of pressure ridges formed for the ice. Craig was telling us that there can be massive pressure ridges that can topple on to the road 30 meters away. Here you'll here many stories, mostly from the locals who are always happy to speak of their adventurous encounters for hours on end. Barrow isn't the place for a tourist field trip of a week, for me to get the best benefit no tour guide can give you is you have to talk to the people here and interact with them.
Recently we attended a celebration for the grand opening of a new facility here at the heritage memorial center. Entering the building you saw large pictures of the local people, each posing next to something that expressed who they were and their pride. Further in there was the auditorium filled with people and on the stage there were chairs lined up with dancers. They were dressed with moccasins and traditional clothes holding these large pancake like drums about two feet in diameter and a long stick. I nestled into a crevice of people along the wall for their performance was about to begin. Tap..Tap..Tap went the drums very lightly as the dancers began, then a while into it BAM..BAM...BAM as they pounded the drums creating a powerful presence in the room. The soon invited everyone in the room to come up and dance. Only a hand full of people went and I was still a bit to timid to run up there and join them. They announced the last song and opportunity to dance, so I gave it a shot and went. and that was the end of another good day.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Friday, June 1, 2007

Today we went out in the field to do some work. We took about 5 snowmobiles and 2 sleds with us. So all of us packed on and two people jumped on the sleds, Santinu and Amorita rode the back standing up. It took us about 20 min to arrive to our site, driving through what seemed to be a fog of snow for miles on end. On the way over there Santinu managed to fall off the sled, funny thing is nobody noticed. It took a while until Craig looked back and saw no one there, so he headed back to pick him up. Riding on those snow mobiles you really have to keep your face covered well, one to keep you face from freezing and two keep yourself from getting snow burned.

When we arrived at the site I had no idea the work they had in store for us. Craig had us begin digging a hole about 3 feet deep into the snow, 3 ft wide and maybe 24 feet long, it wasn't too bad at first but then he kicked it up a notch. He then had us dig about a 1000 ft canal. It was pretty intense digging, you actually began to heat up in your jacket, so I had to take off a layer to stat nice and fresh. It was nice though because you don't feel as fatigued like you do when working in warmer weather. You don't sweat or get thirsty at all, which can be pretty dangerous because it does get really dry out there. After about an hour or two of digging my body began to ache all over especially in my wrists from snow shoveling the whole time. It is amazing how deep the snow gets in some areas, it can range from 1ft to 5 ft in depth. Also when digging a noticed several layers of ice in the snow, it looked almost like a three layer cake with and inch of icing in between. The snow in and of itself is very blinding, because it is extremely pure white. If I didn't have my sunglasses on I wouldn't have been able to see for crap. Its one of those things you have to experience for your self. Its like you can almost feel the white radiating from the snow, just totally incredible but it can also be pretty dangerous. You can get pretty disoriented from being out there for too long, so Craig told us if the wind is hitting the right side of your face you should be facing north.

I was thinking today, when winter comes around in El Paso It will be a breeze . Well I got to go get ready now for the grand opening of the multi million dollar research facility here in Barrow.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
names names names
snow fight

Today was quite the venture. Dave took us out to the ocean just to give us a feel for what we will have to endure out in the field. This was to be quite the expedition, so like any good amature I over layered and threw on my rubber boots. You would think being out here there would be a problem keeping warm but I'm afraid that isn't the case here. Aside from the little things, walking over the ocean was refreshing. Evey here and there your foot would plop down in the water through the ice. It wasn't like life threatening or anything just slowed you down. After about 40 min of walking around we came to this large hill of snow, this would soon turn out to be the most epic battle of our time...

Me and Santanu began making a snowman like little kids you know. Amorita and Pete were down the shore next to a pool of water just checking it out, while Dave was fiddling around with the GPS. So while we were making the abominable snow man it was just natural to begin chucking snow balls at people. So of course everyone began tossing snow back and forth, returnig

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Buy fair trade coffee---see movie
Black Gold

Everything new and fresh. Little niches every where you go, filled with awe and wonder hoping to find something of a razzel-dazzel quality.
The walk was a nice get away though, not that its crazy here or anything but it refreshes my mind and clears my thoughts. It makes you feel free from the world, from work, or just worries. Feeling like your in the middle of nowhere is like the ultimate freedom from everything.

over lunch today I got to talking about anime with Perry, it seems he is a Japan fan as well. It made me think of my favorite manga TenjhoTenge. haven't read it in a while I really want to read the newest vol that came out. Something about Japanese Art are that just draws me to it...he he get it get it draws me to it..ha you just can't make this stuff up. But I believe cultures are important over all, especially tolerance. America is called a melting pot but isn't is really a bunch of diluted cultures constantly being conformed by major cooperations. We think we have variety but do we really, the tomato you buy at the store has been cloned and harvested to a particular shape, color, taste, and growth. Where is the diversity? I don't know why I think of these things at a time like this, but I just do. There is after all so much BS out there its hard to ignore it. for one of my blogs i'll direct it all to the BS of anything.